Farm Gallery
Below is an insight into our day-to-day farm work...
Hay season, Harvest 2022
Track marshall 135 on the move! To it's new home.
Chasing straw, Harvest 2022
Chasing straw during harvest 2022....what a hot year!
New Holland cutting hay
Our New Holland 6080 starting the 2018 hay season!
CAT 85
JCB Baling hay....
Here is our CAT 85 drilling with a simba free-flow drill
Baling hay beside the seaside!!
MF 35 3 Cylinder
Fordson E27N
Our barn find in 2014 to add to the collection!
E27N leaving farm for local rally.
JCB Baling at night
Magnum 7220
Our 7220 ploughing at Leiston.
Our JCB working into the night.
Magnum 7120
Here is our Magnum 7120 pulling a MF 190 (with ease!)
Harvest pulls to an end...
JD CTS finishing our last field of winter beans on the 27th of August!
CAT having a break after stacking all the hesstons!
All parked up!
956 and CAT parked up for end of season.
Cord Wood Ready For Processing
Taking a large delivery of cord wood in Autumn 2015 ready for processing and delivering to our local customers in the Alde Valley area.
TM190 Power Harrowing During Storm
Preparing the land for drilling for Season 2016 in our trusty New Holland TM190.
JD 4955 Pulling Disc And Press
JCB 2150 Carting Straw
The rare old girl preping our Darsham fields for drilling.
Our 2150 carting straw to outdoor pig unit in Sizewell.
Dominator 85 Combining in 2016!
Dominator 85 maize harvesting in mid December in Suffolk
JCB 3185 Carting Combine
JCB 3185 carting combine to Ipswich docks.
JCB 2150 fully loaded!
JCB 2150 fully loaded with classics.
Combines Loaded for Eastern Europe
Two combines loaded for Romania
Up,up and away!
Lifting combine on to trailer.
Loading Romanian Lorry
On this lorry we managed pack 1 four meter vaderstad drill, 2 rear mounted fork lifts, 1set of duel wheels, 2 five furrow ploughs, 2 six row maizie hoe, 1 big bag lifter, 2 amazon fertilzer speaders and 1 grain trailer.
Birds eye view of the loaded grain trailer! Which contains 2 ploughs, 2 hoes, 1 rear fork lift and parts of the drill.